I started coloring years ago because I went through something awful and traumatic.
It helped me get out of my head and focus.
And honestly, it turned my mind off completely, which was what I needed.
Later, I was diagnosed with ADHD (with all the racing thoughts to go with it).
Coloring helps me EVERY day.
Can coloring help with anxiety and depression… or is it hogwash?
This post from the Mayo Clinic explains coloring can help keep you mindful, reduce stress, focus the mind and even help with sleeping more soundly…
And even pain.
All this is on top of helping you with anxiety and depression.
Coloring is so powerful that scientists have even done studies with very clear results.
In this study, they tested it on two groups.
They found coloring doesn’t only help with anxiety and stress, but it helps with mindfulness AND creativity.
Coloring stuck as a regular anti-anxiety strategy I use in my daily life.
So the question isn’t “does coloring help with anxiety and stress?” There’s proof that it does.
The question is, “will you harness coloring as the powerful, yet simple tool it can be?”
THIS is what my counselor friend revealed to me about coloring
The other day, I was chatting with a counselor friend.
He explained how he uses coloring to help the kids he counsels with their anxiety.
It’s not just a fun hobby.
An educated, experienced counselor uses coloring to help kids with anxiety every day… because the science is clear!
And so is his experience with the kids.
Here’s what he told me.
Coloring helps with focus. It gives the mind something to focus on that’s simple and low stakes (meaning there isn’t a lot to lose… the worst thing that will happen is you color outside the lines or pick the wrong shade, which isn’t a big deal).
Focusing on coloring helps kids and adults with anxiety and calms them down.
*This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase using my link, I will receive a commission at no extra cost to you. I don’t recommend any products that I haven’t paid for with my own money, used myself, or have on my own wish list.
Here are a few tips he gave me during our chat.
Looking for a coloring book to help you on your journey of reducing anxiety?
1. Color with your non-dominant hand
I’m right-handed, so I tried this with my left hand. This friend (who asked to remain nameless) explained that using your other hand uses a different part of the brain.
It’s nearly impossible to focus on anything but coloring because your mind isn’t used to it.
I tried it for the first time in this video.
I was surprised at how much concentration I needed just to color with my left hand.
Staying inside the lines required all my brainpower, and coloring straight was a challenge.
I definitely couldn’t focus on anything but the task at hand.
When I posted this on my TikTok, I had a strange mix of reactions.
Many, MANY, people felt this was stressful in itself.

2. Zentangle drawing.
Okay, this isn’t precisely coloring. It’s more like drawing. But my counselor friend mentioned drawing zentangle art, one step at a time, helps kids with their anxiety and helps them focus.
3. Coloring often.
Studies prove coloring helps with anxiety.
My counselor friend uses coloring regularly as a tool to help kids focus, stay calm, and reduce anxiety.
If you want to reduce anxiety even more, pick something which doesn’t require picking any colors.
Make your own color palettes ahead of time by searching in Google for color palettes and putting them in this book.
This is my favorite book for focus and mindfulness
When I want to focus for long periods of time, I color my Mandalas book.

Does coloring help you with anxiety?
I use coloring to destress and relax when I go through a hard time.
It helps me focus.
I also have ADHD, and focus can be a struggle for me. Coloring helps me focus, stay creative, and have a little fun every day.